Professor Paolo Pedercini‘s game “Guilty Smells,” created in collaboration with Heather Kelley, will be shown at conferences in Chicago and San Francisco. “Guilty Smells” is a game that asks you to use your actual sense of smell. In a Trumpian near-future all unAmerican food is made illegal. Playing as a police sniffing dog, you have to approach the suspects and
bark if you detect foreign food smell.
The game will be shown at the inaugural Commiserate Chicago, a new media arts festival seeking to reflect on the state of media art, particularly in the context of Chicago, a city with a legacy of new media art and an emerging generation of artists. Local and international artists are invited to exhibit work and share their process through talks and workshops. The conference takes place at the MADD Center at the University of Chicago, February 29 through March 1.
“Guilty Smells” will also be shown in the exhibition “alt.ctrl.GDC,” a showcase of alternative control schemes and interactions in games at the Game Developer’s Conference. Founded in 1998, the Game Developers Conference brings the game development community together to exchange ideas, solve problems, and shape the future of the industry. The conference takes place in San Francisco, March 16-20.